Shiv Om Jeweller's, Delhi's Karol Bagh based Jewellery shop has duped government employees under the pretext of a gold scheme that had never matured. The employees approached the police for the registration of a First Investigation Report (FIR) on the Tuesday, 4th of February, 2020. The government employees had given their complaint on the January 22, 2020 but the Delhi Police said, the registeration of the FIR will take place only after the elections are over.
The jeweller is a Shivam Chaturvedi, a son of a retired UPSC employee, his victims are mostly the low rung government employees of the ministry and their relatives.
The complainant contended that the money was deposited in Shiv Om Jewellers in a gold scheme that turned out to be a scam and now the jeweller has run away with all the money and he is not even responding to the calls.
On of the complainant is an Upper Division Clerk at National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and had said that she, her sister and her sister in law had deposited huge amounts in the scheme, hers being Rs. 87,0000 and now the Jeweller has vacated his residency in Krishna Nagar. He has also shut his shop at Karol Bagh.
The victim further alleged that the jeweller would give a card where he took money every month and furthermore signed the column. The jeweller had not mentioned any of his own details on the card.
Author - Dyuti Pandya