On 2nd July 2020, The Bar Council of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry have requested the Government of Tamil Nadu to generously help the young lawyers in the times of Covid-19. Considering this the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu has sanctioned a monthly stipend of Rs 3000/- for a period of two years to the young Advocates who are practicing in Tamil Nadu.
The press release stated that The timely help to the young advocates will go a long way in ensuring that the standards of Advocates stay high and as a directive result, Tamil Nadu will be able to produce great Advocates and eminent jurists in future. Minimum 2000 young advocates will be benefitted every year in this scheme.
It was further stated in the release that On behalf of the entire legal fraternity, The Bar Council of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry wholeheartedly thank the Honble Chief Minister and Honble Law Minister of Tamil Nadu for sanctioning the stipend to young Advocates and it will be remembered always by the legal fraternity at large.