On 8th May 2020, the Delhi High Court ordered that a link has been created for filing of non-urgent i.e. ordinary filings in this court in fresh as well as pending matters. The link is (http://dhcefiling.nic.in:8080/DHC_NONURG/).
However, the filings made by the recourse to the aforesaid link will be taken up for scrutiny only after the lockdown is lifted. When these filings will be taken up for scrutiny the concerned advocates or litigants in person will be informed as to whether the filings contain any objections or not.
Further, the Advocates and litigants in person can take recourse to the designated counter(s) of e-filing set up for this purpose in the Delhi High Court and the following District Court Companies i.e Tis Hazari, Patiala House, Karkardooma, Rohini, Dwarka, Saket, and Rouse Avenue. During the subsistence of lockdown, scanning facility for the aforesaid purpose would be available, free of cost, at all the aforesaid Designed Counters.