As per the circular dated 8th June, 2020 of the Office of the District and Sessions Judge, Saket Court Complex, New Delhi, one of the JJA( Junior Judicial Assistant) posted in the Bar Reference Library, Sh. Pyar Singh Negi has tested positive for COVID-19 contagion. He attended to his duties daily from 21.05.2020 till 27.05.2020.
He had reported to the office authorities on 29th May 2020 that he was suffering from fever and sore throat since 28th May 2020. Considering the symptoms being similar to those of COVID-19, the sanitation of the Bar Reference Library was done on 29th May, 2020 and it was kept closed till 30th May, 2020.The advocates and officials who had come in contact with him in the Saket Court Complex were telephonically advised to take proper precautions.
Since Sh. Negi has now been confirmed of suffering from COVID 19, the advocates and other office staff who came in contact with him have been advised to be in self quarantine for 14 days as per the guidelines of the Government of India, and take all necessary precautions as per the same.