According to the news agency, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has announced that the producers of Sputnik V have agreed to give the Russian anti-Covid vaccine to Delhi. The quantity, according to the Delhi CM, is yet to be determined.
On 26th May, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal inaugurated Delhi's first drive-through vaccination centre at Vegas Mall in Dwarka's Sector 12.
Two types of vaccine appointments will be available at the drive-through vaccination centre in Delhi, including those for those aged 18 and 45 who may schedule appointments on CoWin. He further stated that there are around 620 instances of black fungus, commonly known as mucormycosis, in Delhi, but that Amphotericin-B injections, which are used to treat it, are in limited supply.
"Talks with the makers of Sputnik V are on. They will give us vaccine, but the quantity is yet to be decided. Our officials and the representatives of the vaccine manufacturers met on Tuesday, too," the CM told reporters.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare reported that throughout the pandemic, more over 22 crore COVID-19 vaccine doses had been distributed to states and union territories (UTs).
On Friday, he added, a government-run drive-through vaccination centre would open in Chhatrasal (May 28, 2021).
"The government of India has so far delivered more than 22 crore vaccine doses (22,00,59,880) to States and UTs, both via the free of cost category and through direct state purchase," according to an official announcement from the ministry.
It said that more than 1.77 crore Covid-19 vaccination doses (1,77,52,594) are still available for administration with the States/Union Territories (UTs).