Megastar Amitabh Bachchan's Twitter account was allegedly hacked at night on June 10, 2019, by Ayyildiz Tim, which claimed to be a Turkish hacker group.
The hacker group reportedly replaced Bachchan's profile picture with a photo of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan and also changed the bio, adding 'Love Pakistan' and an emoji of the Turkish flag.
A spokesperson for Mumbai Police told news agency PTI that they have informed the cyber unit and the matter is being investigated.
The cover photo of Bachchan's Twitter account, which was subsequently deleted, showed the promo picture of the group with an eagle in flight.
"This is an important call to the whole world! We do condemn the irrespective behaviors of Iceland republic towards Turkish footballers. We speak softly but carry a big stick and inform you about the big Cyber attack here. As Ayyildiz Tim Turkish Cyber Army," read the first tweet after the cyber attack, which occurred around 11.40 pm.
Minutes later another tweet followed on Muslims in India.
The group also tweeted the link of its 'official' Instagram page, though unverified, writing "We are waiting for your support."
"We have informed our cyber unit and Maharashtra Cyber about hacked Twitter account of Amitabh Bachchan. They are investigating the matter. Further updates awaited," the Mumbai Police PRO said in a statement.
As per reports, the same group had previously hacked Twitter accounts of actors Shahid Kapoor and Anupam Kher among others.
However, the Twitter account was seemed to have been restored within half-an-hour.
(With inputs from PTI)