Last year in 2019 September, an ambulance carrying Bhushan Tol from new Manish Nagar got stuck in a pothole on the way to a hospital in Dhantoli. Within a couple of hours of reaching the hospital, the man was declared dead. After yesterday's reporting of 13th February, 2020, it seems that his 32 year old widow is now on the road to file an intervention application in the Napur bench of Bombay High court into a criminal writ petition seeking action against the state for leaving the matter unattended. The main cause of action here is that the ambulance could have been freed from the pothole but there was an apparent delay of 1 and a half hours that proved to be fatal for the ailing man.
There have been several victims that have been targets to the unattended pothole. As per the high court order reported on 12th February, 2020, the process has been started for filing an FIR against the concerned contractor. A suo moto cognisance has been taken by the high court about the rising accidental injuries and deaths due to bad roads and potholes. The report has been converted into a criminal petition.
In the affidavit filed by Amruta, she has stated the taruma her ailing husband faced after the pothole incident and how others have faced the problem as well. The ambulance's heavy tyres got stuck in the roadside ditch which had become slippery due to rains. This has been stated in the affidavit.
Author - Dyuti Pandya