The Modi Government has proposed a penalty move on the 6th of February 2020 (Thursday), against those who promote products for fairness of skin, deafness, improvement of height, hair loss or greying, obesity among others. The promoters and the actors who will endorse this may land up in trouble. They will be asked to pay a fine of Rs. 50 lakhs and also serve prison time upto 5 years. The government has proposed to amend the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisments) Act, 1954. The above mentioned penalties have been the induced changes in the draft bill.
And the rules will be drafter under the Act new amendment bill of 2020. Under the proposed draft, a fine of Rs. 10 lakhs and upto two years' punishment for the violation of first offence. Subsequently the fine can go to Rs. 50 lakhs and 5 years respectively. The notice has been issued by the Ministry of Health and Family welfare that states the current proposals are to keep the pace with the ongoings in time and technology. The current law further states that the culprit's in the first offence will be subjected to an imprisonment upto six years with or without fine and then upto one year for a second time conviction. The word "magic remedy" has been recognised as a form of mantra/ charm that is alleged to possess powers for the treatment of various diseases in humans and thus rendering them normal. The proposal will also expand the definition of an advertisement to "any audio or visual publicity, representation, endorsement or pronouncement made by means of light, sound, smoke, gas, print, electronic media, internet or website and includes any notice, circular, label, wrapper, invoice, banner, poster or such other documents: Provided that label or wrapper is an advertisement only if it contains any information or claim other than provided in the rules "
The Ministry has further decided to obtain suggestions, objections and comments from the public or stakeholder's say to the drat Bill.
This move is basically a defence against racism to shun the very idea that only fair skinned people become successful.
Author - Dyuti Pandya