On October 5, 2020, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said his government will soon bring a new policy, under which agencies will have to transplant 80% of trees affected by their projects to a new location.
Arvind Kejriwal said during a press conference that till now according to the government policy agencies will have to plant 10 saplings for each tree felled during their construction work. He further said that "No one knows how much time these 10 saplings would take to grow so we are soon going to approve a new policy under which agencies will have to transplant 80% of trees affected by their projects to a new location".
He said that "They will still have to plant 10 saplings each of every tree fluid the number of trees won't reduce this way". The officials said that 10 saplings will have to be planted for each tree being transplanted. Very soon the Government will also come up with the names of the impaneled technical agencies which will have to do to the transplantation of trees.
Trees help to reduce the pollution level from the environment and purify air too. This policy of the Delhi Government is a good step towards the conservation of the environment by transplantation of trees.