The High Court of Gujarat invites Online Applications from the Candidates with a Degree in Law, for filling up the posts of Legal Assistants, on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat.
Number of Vacancies
20 (Twenty)
- A Candidate for Appointment to the said Post, shall not be less than 18 years and not more than 35 years of age, as on the Last Date of submitting of Online Application, i.e. 8th November 2019, i.e. Candidates born between 8th November 1984 & 8th November 2001, shall be eligible to apply.
- Degree in Law from any University in India or any Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission. Candidates studying in the Fifth Year of a Five Year Law Course can also apply for the said Post, and their final selection would be subject to their passing of the Fifth Year examination of LL.B., prior to their Appointment.
- Basic Knowledge of Computer Application/Operation.
- An acquaintance of vernacular Language.
Rs. 20,000/- p.m
How to apply?
To apply, click here
Deadline: 8th November 2019
Read official notification below.