Justice Aparesh Kumar Singh of Jharkhand HC granted bail to Lalu Prasad Yadav on the ground of having undergone half of the sentence already. The veteran leader will have to furnish two bail bonds of Rs 50,000 each and deposit security of Rs 50,000 in the court, in a fodder scam case related to the fraudulent withdrawal of money from the Chaibasa treasury during his tenure as Chief Minister of Bihar
Yadavs advocate Prabhat Kumar said that the RJD chief Lalu will remain in jail as his bail application is still pending in another fodder scam case related to Dumka Treasury RC38/96.
Assistant solicitor general of India Rajiv Sinha who appeared for the CBI said that he opposed the bail on the ground that Lalu has not filed an application before the trial court and high court for concurrent running of the prison terms awarded to him in different fodder scam cases related to Deogarh, Dumka and Chaibasa treasuries. Sinha pleaded under the circumstances the term served by Lalu in the Deogarh case be not counted with the with that Chaibasa case.
The RJD chief has already secured bail in Deogarh Treasury (RC 64A/96), Chaibasa Treasury (RC 68A/96) and another Chaibasa Treasury (RC20A/96) related case on the grounds of parity in the counting of half-term of prison stating that it has allowed bail using similar yardstick in appeals in which the petitioners were convicted in more than one case, Sinha said.
The lawyer Prabhat Kumar who was also representing Lalu said, " We would file an interlocutory application for bail in the Dumka case as well after the completion of half-term of sentence