Latha Rajinikanth wife of actor cum politician Rajinikanth will face trial for not complying with an undertaking to pay 6.2 crore that she owed to a movie distribution company for the post-production work of Tamil film Kochadaiyaan.
On Tuesday (July 10th 2018) Supreme Court of India set aside a Karnataka High Court's March 10, 2016 order quashing criminal proceedings pending before a magistrate court in Bengaluru against Ms. Latha Rajinikanth, saying the High Court should not have canceled the complaint at the initial stage.
Justice Ranjan Gogoi of Supreme Court of India said, It is a fit case for the commencement of trial.
In February, the top court ordered Mediaone Global Entertainment Ltd., a company in which Ms. Latha Rajinikanth is a director to make the payment within three months to Ad-Bureau Advertising Pvt. Ltd. to which Ms. Latha assured the court that the dues will be cleared.
The court was hearing an appeal filed by Ad Bureau.